There are 6 lesyas (AURA) produced by Karman. The lesyas are different conditions produced in the soul by influence of different karmana vargana pudhgal. They are therefore not dependent on the nature of the soul , but on the karman which accompanies the soul, and are, as it were, the reflection of the karman on the soul. One must understand by this example “the alteration or vibration produced on the soul, just as on a crystal by presence of coloured things… is denoted by the word lesya”. The word lesya is derived from klesa which means conflict, it also means the word colour.
They are classified by names, colours, tastes, smells, touches, degrees, character, variety, duration, result and time period for its effects. The colours are named in the following order: black, blue, grey, red, yellow and white.
The black lesya has the colour similar to a rain cloud. The blue lesya has the colour similar to blue ashoka. The grey lesya has the colour similar to the collar of pigeons. The red lesya has the colour similar to a rising sun. The yellow lesya has the colour similar to turmeric. The white lesya has the colour of a conch shell or flowing milk, silver, or a necklace of pearls.
The taste of black lesya is infinitely bitterer than nimb tree. The taste of blue lesya is infinitely more pungent than black and long pepper and dry ginger put together. The taste of grey lesya is sourer than that of raw mango. The taste of red lesya is infinitely more pleasant than that of a ripe mango. The taste of yellow lesya is infinitely better than honey. The taste of white lesya is infinitely better than dates, grapes, or punded sugar.
The smell of bad lesyas namely the first three is infinitely worst than that of a corpse of a cow or a dog. The smell of three good lesyas is infinitely more pleasant than best of fragrant flowers.
The touch of bad lesyas is infinitely worst than that of a saw. The touch of three good lesyas is infinitely more pleasant than that of cotton, butter.
The degrees of lesyas are 3 or 9 or 27 or 81 or 243.
The man who acts on impulse of the 5 asravas, does not possess the 3 guptis, not cease to injure the living beings, commits cruel acts, is wicked and violent, and does not subdue his senses develops the black lesya.
A man of the following qualities envy, anger, want of self control, ignorance, deceit, greed, hatred, wickedness, carelessness, pursues pleasures and violent develops the blue lesya.
A man who is dishonest in words and acts, not upright, deceiver, heretic, a talker of hurtfull and sinfull things, a theif, full of jealousy develops the grey lesya.
A man who is humble, steadfast, free from deceit and inquisitiveness, well disciplined, restrained, attentive, strives after highest good, such a man develops the red lesya.
A man who has but little anger, pride, deceit, and greed, whose mind is at ease, who is attentive, who speaks but little, is calm, develops the yellow lesya.
A man who abstains from constant thinking about his misery, but engages in meditation, whose mind is at ease, who practices the samitis and guptis, free from passion develops the white lesya.
There are as many varieties of lesyas as there are samayas (indivisible fraction of time) in the innumerable avsarpinis and utsarpinis (time cycles), and as there are countless worlds. The shortest duration of a lesya is half a muhurta (48 minutes) and the longest is innumerable.
The black, blue and grey lesyas are the lowest lesyas. Through them the soul is brought into miserable existences of life. The red, yellow and white lesyas are good lesyas. Through them the soul is brought into happy existances. In the first moment of these lesyas when they are joined with the soul, the latter is born into new existance. In the last moment of these lesyas when they are joined with the soul the latter is not born into a new existance. While the last muhurta is running and a part of it is still to come, the souls with their lesyas developed, go to a new birth (every individual dies in the same lesya with which he is born. When his lesya ends with his life, then the soul must get a new lesya).
A wise man should, therefore, know the nature of these lesya; he should avoid the bad ones and obtain the good ones.